The following is a list of publications and abstracts written or co-authored by Barbara S. Fant, Pharm. D.

Book Chapters:

  • Cluxton RJ, Fant BS, Bien TE.  Medicating the Elderly, in The Elderly: Victims and Deviates. Chambers CD, Lindquist JH et al., eds. Ohio University Press; Athens, Ohio. 1987.


  • Gross DJ, Fant BS, Fant WK, Lutomski, Huber H, Tan H.  Effect of therapeutic concentrations of teicoplanin and vancomycin on the anticoagulant effect of heparin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1992. (Submitted — Under Review)

  • Davis DD, Fant BS, Fant WK.  Computer technology improves clinical investigator skills.  J Clin Res Pharmacoepidemiol. 5(1):71-2; 1991.

  • Davis DD, Fant BS.  Use of a flow chart form as a primary data collection instrument.  J Clin Res Pharmacoepidemiol. 5(1):72; 1991.

  • Fant BS, Fant WK.  Monitoring of aminoglycoside therapy: a cost-effective pharmacy service. PfiPharmecs Management Letter. 4(1):10-12.

Research Abstracts:

  • “Effect of Formulation pH and Oral Retention on the Bioavailability of Dextromethorphan in Normal Volunteers.” Smith RL, Leedy DW, Wehmeyer KW, King EC and Fant BS. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting; Orlando, Florida. 1993.

  • “Triprolidine Pharmacokinetics Following Multiple Oral Doses.” Fant BS, Ritschel WA, D’Souza RW, Miday RK, and DeMark BR. American College of Clinical Pharmacology Annual Meeting; Atlanta, Georgia. 1991.

  • “Computer Technology Improves Clinical Investigator Skills.” Davis DD, Fant BS, Fant WK.  ACP Annual Meeting; San Diego, California. 1991.

  • “Use of a Flow Chart as a Primary Data Collection Instrument.” Davis DD, Fant BS. ACP Annual Meeting; San Diego, California. 1991.

  • “Pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.” Guay  DRP, Awni WM, Fant BS, Kenny MT, Matzke GR.  28th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy; Los Angeles, California. 1988.

  • “Joint AHEC Program to Develop Medication Teaching Program for the Elderly.” Fant BS, Cluxton RJ and Dean SW.  OSHP Midyear Meeting; Columbus, Ohio. October 1985.

  • “Alternative Literature Searching Methods.” Fant WK, Fant BS and Cluxton RJ. OSHP Midyear Meeting; Columbus, Ohio. October 1985.

  • “Joint AHEC Program to Develop Medication Teaching Program for the Elderly.” Fant BS,Cluxton RJ and Dean SW. AACP Annual Meeting; San Francisco, California. July 1985.

  • “Alternative Literature Searching Methods.” Fant WK, Fant BS and Cluxton RJ. AACP  Annual Meeting; San Francisco, California. July 1985.

  • “Needs Analysis for a Pharmacokinetic Dosing Service.” Fant BS and Fant WK. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting; Dallas, Texas. December 1984.

  • “Development and Implementation of a Closed Drug  Exchange System for Advanced Life Support Services.” Fant BS and Montgomery GH. ASHP Midyear  Clinical  Meeting; Dallas, Texas. December 1984.

  • “A Randomized Trial of Ceftazidime versus Tobramycin/Ticarcillin for Presumed Gram-Negative Soft Tissue and Pulmonary Infections.” Fant WK, Fant BS, Solomkin JS, et al. Fourth Annual  Ohio Conference on Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology; Cincinnati, Ohio. October 1984.

  • “An Evaluation of Medication Warning Labels and Instructions for Use in Ambulatory Practice.”Fant WK, Fant BS,  et al. ASHP Annual Meeting; Boston, Massachusetts. June 1984.

  • “Development and Implementation of a Formalized  Pharmacy  Technician  Training Program.”Fant BS and Montgomery GH.  ASHP  Midyear Clinical Meeting; Los Angeles, California. 1982.

Multimedia Productions:

  • Heaton C, Fant WK, Fant BS.  Prevention and Management of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections.  Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, STD Prevention and Training Office; Atlanta, Georgia.  1994

Pharmaceutical Industry Publications: (NOTE:  Listing is incomplete to maintain client confidentiality.)

  • Fant BS, Ritschel WR, Samaha F.  SB-88. 1991. (IND Prepared)

  • Fant  BS.  A  pharmacokinetic  study  of  orally dosed dextromethorphan in normal male subjects. 1991. (Final  Report)

  • Fant  BS. A rising dose pharmacokinetic study of transdermally administered triprolidine in healthy subjects. 1991. (Final Report)

  • Breneman D, Fant BS.   A study to develop the methodology for measuring cutaneous pain and inhibition of C-fiber function produced by the topical application of capsaicin to human skin. 1991. (Final  Report)

  • Fant BS, Breneman D.  A diagnostic skin patch study in subjects previously exposed to transdermal triprolidine. 1990. (Final Report)

  • Fant BS, MacCarthy P.  Triprolidine pharmacokinetics following multiple oral doses. 1988. (Final Report)

  • Fant BS, Rios I.  A blinded comparative study of histamine release induced by intravenously administered teicoplanin and vancomycin in normal healthy volunteers. 1987. (Protocol)

  • Fant BS, Lewis EW, Rios I., Burke JT. Pharmacokinetics    of intravenously administered teicoplanin in intravenous drug abusers with suspected or proven endocarditis. 1987. (Protocol)

  • Fant BS, Rios I, Burke JT.  Pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin in normal healthy volunteers.  1987. (Protocol)

  • Gross D, Fant WK, Fant BS, Lutomski D. Determination of a drug interaction between heparin and teicoplanin or vancomycin: An in vitro study. 1987. (Protocol)

  • Fant BS, Baehler LA, Rios I, Burke JT.  Pharmacokinetics    of intravenously administered teicoplanin in pediatric patients. 1987. (Protocol)

  • Fant BS, Rios I, Burke JT.  Pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered teicoplanin in pediatric patients with infections. 1987. (Protocol)

  • Fant BS, Rios I, Burke JT.  Pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. 1987. (Protocol)

  • Fant BS, Lewis EW, Rios I, Burke JT.  A randomized, blinded placebo-controlled study of the safety and pharmacokinetics of MDL 19592. 1987 (Protocol) Lewis EW, Fant BS.  MDL 19592 Investigator’s Brochure. 1987 (Brochure)

  • Fant  BS, Rios I, Burke JT.  An open study of teicoplanin in the treatment of acute bone and joint infections caused by  gram-positive bacteria. 1986.  (Protocol)